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самоосвіта, готовність до самоосвітньої діяльності, структура готовності до самоосвіти, здобувач вищої освіти, формування готовності майбутніх вихователів до самоосвіти. self-education, readiness for self-education, structure of readiness for self-education, higher education seeker, formation of readiness of future educators for self-education.

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The problem of self-education of the future specialist as an internal personal activity focused on professional selfdevelopment and self-improvement is extremely important, since the success of the professional performance of labor functions depends on its solution. The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze the specific features of the formation of the readiness of future educators for self-education. The realization of the set goal is achieved by solving the following tasks: 1) clarifying the content and structure of readiness for self-education; 2) analysis of the stages of formation of readiness for selfeducation of students of higher preschool education during the study of educational components; 3) research on the peculiarities of the formation of readiness for self-education and their interrelationship. Research methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization. The self-education activity of future educators is defined as the basis of professional development, a conscious, systematic, independent, self-regulated activity focused on learning new information, acquiring new knowledge, and forming professional skills and abilities. The following structural elements of self-education are distinguished: motivational-value, cognitive, informational-experiential and organizational-management. The readiness for self-education of future educators is interpreted as a state of readiness for pedagogical activity, which is manifested by the need for independent study in order to acquire new knowledge and develop professional skills. The conditions for the implementation of the process of forming the readiness of students of higher preschool education for self-education are: search-research creative orientation of educational activity and subject-subject interaction of the teacher and students. Three stages of formation of readiness for self-education of future educators are defined. The specifics of the formation of the readiness of future educators for self-education are determined: taking into account the psycho-physiological features of the formation of the personality of the student of education at a young age, the specificity of pedagogical professional activity in a modern preschool education institution and the multi-vector nature of the organization of the educational process in a higher education institution. The development of methods for diagnosing and self-diagnosing the real state of readiness of future educators for selfeducation requires further research.

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