
академічна доброчесність, освітнє середовище, наукове середовище, професійне середовище, університетське середовище, доктор філософії, вищий навчальний заклад academic integrity, educational environment, scientific environment, professional environment, university environment, doctor of philosophy, higher educational institution

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The environment includes educational, scientific, and professional components, which together foster knowledge development, creativity, and professional self-growth for future PhDs. The diversity of interpretations of environments in higher education reflects efforts to create an optimal setting that fosters students’ creative potential and personal growth. The object of the article is the culture of academic integrity among future Doctors of Philosophy, and the subject is the environmental component of the system for developing the culture of academic integrity in future Doctors of Philosophy. The purpose is characteristics of environmental component of the system of forming academic integrity culture for PhDs. The concept of a professionally oriented educational-scientific environment for PhD candidates integrates academic, ethical, and value-based components to support their development. This environment should evolve through four stages: preparatory, integrative, interactive, and productive, each designed to nurture professional competencies and academic integrity. The preparatory stage, managed by university staff, sets the groundwork for academic training, including document formation, resource planning, and risk analysis. Key components of this stage include qualified staffing, ethics training, and ensuring access to educational infrastructure. The integrative stage begins with the first year of graduate study, where PhD candidates immerse themselves in the academic environment, adapting to new challenges and aligning their personal values with the system. This stage fosters ethical growth through professional disciplines, research ethics, and extracurricular activities, all aimed at shaping ethical behavior and self-realization. Active participation in cultural, social, and humanitarian initiatives enhances their creative potential and understanding of professional values. Through collaboration with experienced educators and researchers, PhD candidates strengthen their academic integrity and leadership skills, while contributing to research innovations and societal issues. This dynamic environment nurtures the holistic development of future scholars, ensuring they become ethical, well-rounded professionals. The concluding productive stage occurs in the third and fourth years of graduate school, focusing on refining professional skills through educational, scientific, and extracurricular activities. PhD candidates actively engage in teaching, research, and academic projects, deepening their knowledge and contributing to the academic environment. They internalize key ethical principles such as honesty, responsibility, and professionalism, applying them in their academic and professional work. By the end of their training, future doctors of philosophy solidify their personal and professional values, aligning them with universal principles and generating their own meanings in their field.


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