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дидактика, інформаційна освіта, цифрові діти, цифрова гуманізація навчання, інформаційне суспільство didactics, information education, digital children, digital humanization of learning, information society

How to Cite

АЛЄКСЄЄВА, С. В. (2022). DIDACTICS IN THE CONTEXT OF INFORMATIZATION OF EDUCATION. ACADEMIC STUDIES. SERIES “PEDAGOGY”, 1(4), 25-30. https://doi.org/10.52726/as.pedagogy/2021.4.1.4


The article substantiates the need to develop a theoretical basis for didactics in the context of informatization of education, which corresponds to the modern conceptual understanding of the role of information technologies in the educational process. Global challenges of the Information Society of the XXI century, its pronounced digitalization, and the development of artificial intelligence technologies require a reassessment of the pedagogical achievements of didactic support for the educational process. Didactic theory should help open up new opportunities for improving the educational process, which will prepare modern youth for life in a digital society and effectively carry out professional activities in the digital economy. Informatization of society has contributed to the “emergence of digital children” who actively broadcast life events in blogs, generating content of their generation. These children have finally connected the internet and life, they do not hold their attention on one thing and constantly absorb gigabytes of more and more new information, quickly master new gadgets, intuitively understand them, and work with them with pleasure. The need to substantiate new approaches of modern didactics is determined by a new format of education that uses wide access to open electronic resources, the organization of asynchronous and synchronous interaction and the use of various educational telecommunications channels. The leading ideas of didactics in the context of informatization of education are revealed through the prism of scientific approaches: digital humanization of learning and personality-oriented pedagogy, as well as the leading principles: personalization, flexibility and adaptability, saturation of the educational environment, polymodality (multimedia), learning in cooperation and interaction, learning success, practice-orientation, included assessment, expediency. Thus, the informatization of education affects the modeling of the educational space of the educational institution, opens opportunities for updating the content, organizational forms of learning.

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