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комплексна корекція, когнітивні методи, рухові методи, мозок, вищі психічні функції, нейропсихологія, психофізіологія complex correction, cognitive methods, motor methods, brain, higher mental functions, neuropsychology, psychophysiology

How to Cite

ГРИЦЮК, І. М., & МІЛІЩУК, С. О. (2021). FEATURES OF COMPLEX NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL CORRECTION IN SCHOOLS. ACADEMIC STUDIES. SERIES “PEDAGOGY”, 2(3), 179-184. https://doi.org/10.52726/as.pedagogy/2021.3.2.27


The modern stage of psychological development is characterized by the intensive inclusion of applied psychological knowledge. The knowledge of professionals who support an understanding about the brain structures functioning should help and implement a comprehensive approach to assisting children in school. It is established that higher psychological functions can be used at different levels, restoring the elementary levels, which can be compensated quite fast and effective. It violates the higher forms of psychological processes organization that affect the complex neuropsychological correction. We consider the issues that modern psychologists and teachers face, it leads to atypical tendency to influence children who have psychological problems, connected with brain activity. Modern science supports knowledge about the sensory and motor brain areas. However, they make up only a small part of cerebral cortex. Almost two-thirds of the brain is “dumb”, but it is the defeat of these areas, the transformation into complex defects that can occur in connection with speech disorders, disorders of perception, memory, thinking and so on. Therefore, the methods of neuropsychological research need to be widely implemented at all levels, as well as in the educational space. It is related to a high level of effectiveness of the neuropsychological approach both in diagnostics, and in complex correction of these or those disturbances of mental development. Child neuropsychology in recent years is developing quickly. And if earlier it was said about the inconsistency of certain disorders of higher mental functions, now modern scientists determine that that opinion was wrong. Formation of impaired mental functions is possible by rebuilding the functional systems on which they are based, by replacing the broken links, those that are preserved, as well as by means of complex psychocorrection, etc.

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