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дискурс, методичний дискурс, періодизація методичного дискурсу, компетентність, компетентнісний підхід discourse, methodological discourse, periodization of methodological discourse, competence, competence approach

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The article found that the meaning of the term “discourse” correlates with a specific research position, which depends on the framework of the relevant scientific field. It is noted that distinguish the areas of language discourse of the theory of speech act, sociolinguistics, ethnography, pragmalinguistics, analysis of conversation and analysis of variables. The history of the methodology as a scientific discipline is described. The peculiarity of the technique as a discipline is noted, it is not an independent science, but relies on the data of linguistics They made the classification of methodological discourse and identified the following types: on the basis of a chronological factor on the basis of approaches to learning from the point of view of the object of learning (language, language), on the basis of approaches from the point of view of teaching methods (direct, conscious, active). Describe the periodization of methodological discourse in the English-speaking environment. In addition, we noted that depending on the purpose of learning, the methodological discourse can be divided into three periods: learning the language of teaching language activity, forming competence. Since structuralism dominates linguistics in the first period (late 19th century – early 20th century), this approach views language as a static, “complex multi-level system containing many interconnected and interdependent discrete elements”. It is in the third period of development of methodological discourse that correlates with the information model of interaction of topics of discourse, which requires from the teacher deep knowledge of linguistics, pedagogy, psychology and methodology of language learning.
Competence approach to learning contrasts with the paradigm of knowledge, which considers the activity of the student as the accumulation of knowledge, and the activity of the teacher as a translation of ready-made knowledge.
Thus, competence is a set of interrelated qualities of the individual (knowledge, skills, skills, methods of activity) associated with a certain set of objects and processes and necessary for their related qualitative productive activities. If competence is the possession of a person of the relevant competence, which includes his/her personal attitude to him/her and the subject of activity.
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