The article analyzes the topic of communicative transformations of culture and religion in the virtual environment, which is extremely important in our present day. In the modern world, which is constantly evolving under the influence of technology, communication studies are gaining particular significance, and the virtualization of culture and religion is one of the central aspects of this process. Communicative approaches allow for the exploration of these issues from various perspectives, focusing on the break with traditional forms of thinking and creating new interpretations and understandings. It is emphasized that the virtualization of culture and religion in the modern communicative society is a powerful tool for transformation, affecting our identity, communities, and the overall cultural landscape. The development of digital technologies and artificial intelligence introduces new forms of cultural and religious expression, fostering the emergence of new practices and rituals. The interaction of traditional cultural and religious practices with modern digital technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, leads to the formation of new forms of perception and interaction. Postmodern research allows for examining this process from various perspectives, emphasizing the importance of a multifaceted approach to analysis. It can be observed that virtualization not only adapts traditional forms to new conditions but also reinterprets them, adding new meanings and interpretations. This communicative phenomenon underscores the importance of a multidimensional approach to research, where technological, social, and cultural aspects are combined. Further research in this field can further illuminate the complex interconnections between culture, religion, and technology, helping to understand how these changes affect our perception of the world. Communicative approaches allow for the exploration of new horizons, offering multi-layered interpretations and new theoretical foundations for analysis.
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