The article is devoted to the analysis of psycholinguistic mechanisms of manipulation that are actively used in the modern information space. An interdisciplinary approach is applied, including cognitive-pragmatic, content analysis and comparative analysis of manipulative strategies in different types of discourse, such as political, media and advertising. The work examines key linguistic tools, including metaphors, euphemisms, directives and emotionally coloured vocabulary, which contribute to the hidden influence on the consciousness and behaviour of recipients. The authors offer an analysis of manipulative strategies aimed at influencing consciousness and behaviour in the context of information overload. The study shows that manipulative influence is based on the creation of cognitive and emotional barriers, the use of stereotypes and artificial motivation, which allows manipulators to achieve their own goals. It is noted that manipulation can be both negative and constructive, depending on the ethical norms and the context of application. Particular attention is paid to the development of recommendations for the formation of media literacy and critical thinking to counteract manipulative strategies. The work is based on theoretical and practical developments in psycholinguistics, cognitive science and social psychology, which allows for a comprehensive study of the mechanisms of influence. Knowledge of the mechanisms of manipulation contributes to a better understanding of hidden intentions in communication, as well as reduces the risks of falling under the influence of manipulators. In addition, further research in this area can provide tools for more effective analysis of information content and contribute to the formation of resistance to manipulative influences.
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