The article examines the national characteristics of foreign language teaching in Ukraine and the impact of international standards on the development of educational practices. The authors highlight the opportunities for Ukrainian citizens in the international environment. The article references Ukrainian and foreign scholars who have studied the national features of foreign language teaching. It explores the main directions for improving language education in Ukraine, the challenges educators and the state face, and possible ways to address them. The authors identify the key language teaching methods that have gained popularity since the mid-20th century, outlining their advantages and disadvantages. Recommendations on the feasibility of using these methods and selecting the most effective approach are provided. The article emphasizes the significant role of digitalization in education, enabling the use of online platforms and multimedia tools. Special attention is given to the role of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in shaping unified approaches to teaching, assessment, and curriculum development. Key aspects of integrating international standards into school and higher education are examined, including their influence on teaching methodologies, the use of modern technologies, and the promotion of international language exams. The authors note that these standards and scientific approaches have contributed to the creation of a unified system for teaching foreign languages on a global scale, ensuring mutual recognition of language proficiency levels and teaching approaches. The article also outlines the main challenges encountered during the implementation of international standards and prospects for overcoming them. Strategic directions for improving language education and potential opportunities for its further development are discussed. The authors stress the importance of harmoniously combining traditional methods with modern technologies to create an effective and accessible language learning system.
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Дьюї Д. Досвід і освіта; [пер. з англ. Марії Василечко]. Л. : Кальварія, 2003. 84 с.
Littlewood, W. Developing Context-Sensitive Pedagogy for Communicative Language Teaching. London: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 22 p.
Savignon S.J. Interpreting communicative language teaching. Context and concerns in teacher education. Yale University Press: New Haven & London, 2002. 243 p.
Затверджені стандарти вищої освіти. URL: https://mon.gov.ua/osvita-2/vishcha-osvita-ta-osvita-doroslikh/naukovo-metodichna-rada-ministerstva-osviti-i-nauki-ukraini/zatverdzheni-standarti-vishchoi-osviti
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. URL: https://www.coe.int/en/web/commoneuropean-framework-reference-languages