The article carries out a comparative analysis of the internal chronotope in the story of the American author Ernest Hemingway “The Old Man and the Seaˮ and the novel of the Ukrainian author Myroslav Dochynets “Highlander. The waters of God’s riverbedˮ. Both novels are united by a special spatio-temporal context in which the characters spend their lives in close dialogue with the natural elements. The main focus is on the component of the internal chronotope, in particular on the internal sheech that Santiago and the old Highlander have with nature and with themselves and through these monologues and dialogues they come to self-knowledge, the awareness of their place in the world, which is both majestic and unpredictable. The comparison of images, spatial and temporal aspects reflected in the natural element makes it possible to gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of symbols and motifs that connect man with nature, and to discover new facets of one’s own identity, which are manifested precisely in interaction with the dynamic forces of the surrounding world. This encounter with the natural elements not only evokes an emotional response, but also awakens internal reflection, prompts a rethinking of one’s place in the world and one’s connection with the primordial rhythms of nature. For the Dochinets`s Highlander who lives next to the River, his interaction with it becomes both a source of life and a space where he tests himself, discovers new limits of his own capabilities and hardens his spirit. For him, the River is like a mirror in which his aspirations, internal contradictions and strength are reflected. The long confrontation with river eventually teaches him humility and at the same time fills him with confidence, reminding him of the unbreakable cycle of nature.Similarly, Hemigway’s Santiago finds himself battling the elements of the sea, which tests his endurance, faith, and devotion, and it is through this that he learns his own essence, learning to embrace defeat as well as triumph. This meeting with the forces of nature becomes a kind of test for each of them, which allows them to overcome human limitations and reveal themselves in a simple but powerful connection with what is beyond the boundaries of time and space. The symbolic dimension of this interaction reveals deep archetypes and motifs that have existed in human consciousness since ancient times.
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