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граматика ділової англійської мови
ділова англійська мова
міжнародного спілкування business English grammar
business English
international communication language

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The article is devoted to the study of the specifics of Business English as an international communication tool. In the article, business English is understood as a narrowly focused form of using the language used in international relations, business and education for effective communication with colleagues, clients and Partners, which implies the possession of specific language skills, such as: business vocabulary, public speaking, professional writing and crosscultural communication. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that English is a means of international business communication and is a key factor in establishing effective business ties, as well as in achieving common goals and success in the international arena. The purpose of the article is to identify the specifics of Business English as an international communication tool. To achieve this goal, the author of the article clarified the concept of “Business English”, identified the areas of its use and units that verbalize certain concepts of business communication branches. When analyzing texts that implement business communication, the following areas of its use are identified: International Relations, Business Communication, and education. The article provides lists of the most commonly used words and phrases used ineach of the selected areas of business communication. The author of the article proved that business English is not just a combination of vocabulary and phrases, but also correct grammar. Knowledge of grammatical features helps to increase the effectiveness of communication in business and international relations, and make messages more accurate and understandable. In this context, the author pay attention to some of the main grammatical features of Business English that help to achieve effective communication, namely: the correct use of modal verbs and articles, the use of grammatical tenses, conditional sentences, passive voice, infinitive and gerund, as well as the language designation of quantitative data.
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