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афіксація, військова термінологія, запозичення, конверсія, словоскладання, термінотворення. affixation, military terminology, borrowing, conversion, word formation, term formation.

How to Cite

БЕВЗО, Г. А., АЛИЄВА, А. Д., & ПОЛІЩУК, О. С. (2022). LEXICO-SEMANTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH MILITARY TERMINOLOGY. ACADEMIC STUDIES. SERIES “HUMANITIES”, (1), 120-125. https://doi.org/10.52726/as.humanities/2022.1.18


The article is devoted to the analysis of structural and semantic features of English military terminology. The scientific novelty of the study is that the work of military terminology is considered in the development under the influence of social processes and phenomena occurring in society. It has been proven that the use of military terminology has long been limited to its use by military experts in various military operations and daily life of the army. In modern conditions, when the media have access to participation and coverage of various political events, including military conflicts, military terminology is regularly used by politicians, journalists, diplomats and many others, as well as ordinary citizens. New terms are analyzed in terms of their compliance with standardization requirements; the influence of various political events and military conflicts on the formation and functioning of English-language military terminology is assessed. In terms of frequency, the article lists the most commonly used military terms that have become relevant in Englishlanguage media discourse during the Russian-Ukrainian war. It is proved that the common vocabulary becomes a military term and vice versa under the influence of the description of the hybrid course of the war by English-speaking journalists. An analysis of English-language media coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian war revealed that military terminology included not only vocabulary denoting weapons, ammunition and military operations, as before, but also nominative units denoting victims and humanitarian organizations, as well as actions aimed at saving people and restoring peace.

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